Warren E. Hardy Family

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

What a couple of crazy characters
Richard (Jerry, Oliver) & Marcy
Richard, Marcy, Trevon & Camdon
getting ready to go to the ward party

Look at these farmers. Wow, you sure grow cute strawberries.
Love the mullet Howard (Jerry, Oliver)

What a cute little girl with her puppy.
Kellie (Jerry, Oliver) & Samson

Jerry (Oliver) & Uncle Buster

We would love to see some of your Halloween pictures,
please send them my way.

Messinger Update

I just wanted to send a short note on the status of my family. I am the youngest son of Arthur Messinger (of San Manuel, AZ). Most of the family knows me as Matthew but I have gone by David (my middle name) since joining the military. I am currently in the Army stationed at Fort Bragg, NC. I have been in the Army for 9 years now and have progressed through the ranks to Staff Sergeant. I have been deployed twice to Iraq and once to Afghanistan. I am looking at being deployed back to Iraq within the next year or so (depending on who is elected into office this month). I have been happily married since February of 2002 to a wonderful woman named Brianna. I have custody of my son Ty (13) and 2 children with Brianna named Liahm (3) and Brock (7 months). Brianna is a Private Duty Nurse who works for a family that has a 2 year old child that has a (please excuse the spelling) treakiotomy. She has been a LPN for a year now and is going back to school in the next year to get her RN. As things change and progress in my family I will send e-mails to update you on things. I am looking for a promotion here in the Army within the next year so I will send updates on that as well. Thanks for your time and the blog that you have started as it keeps me up to date on the family "happenings". I have been out of the loop for so many years now it is nice to know what is going on in the family.

Thanks again
David Messinger

Thank you for the great update. Send a picture if you can so we can see all of you.

The last e-mail Nana sent to me. I had sent a spread on the times in 1908. See her response below (all the way at the bottom after the email is her response). I miss her. Submitted by Kevin (Teeny, Oliver)

This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine! The year is 1908. One hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes! Here are some statistics for the Year 1908 :

************ ********* ********* ******

The average life expectancy was 47 years.
Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.
Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!
The average wage in 1908 was 22 cents per hour.
The average worker made between $200 and $400 per year .
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year, a dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME
Ninety percent of all doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION! (Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of
which were condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard. ')
Sugar cost four cents a pound.
Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from Entering into their country for any reason.

Five leading causes of death were:
1 Pneumonia and influenza 2. Tuberculosis 3. Diarrhea 4. Heart disease 5. Stroke
The American flag had 45 stars.
The population of Las Vegas , Nevada, was only 30!!!!

Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and ice tea hadn't been invented yet.
There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.
Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write.

Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.

Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores. Back then pharmacists said, 'Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health.'
Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.
There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE ! U.S.A. !
Now I forwarded this from someone else without typing
it myself, and sent it to you and others all over Canada & U.S.A . possibly the world, in a matter of seconds!

Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years.


Dear Kev; Sounds like you are giving a history of my childhood. When a child in Pine we had no electric lights, indoor toilets. made our own soap, hauled ourwater, dirt roads. When I got married Papa worked for Uncle Charley for $60 a month, 12 hours a day. gas was 15 cents a gallon. Times do change and it does boggle your mind. I guess that's progress.
Love you Nana

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Camdon receives his Wolf badge

A big congratulations goes out to Camdon (Richard, Jerry, Oliver) who recently received his Wolf badge in Cub Scouts. He is learning many great skills that will help him grow into a great young man. We are very proud of him.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Run Dorothy Run

Dorothy (Kaye, Oliver) ran in the San Francisco Marathon on Oct 19th. She ran the half-marathon which is a little over 13 miles long. Alot of us saw her running at the reunion this summer preparing for the marathon. As a matter of fact this picture of her is from a little tumble she took at the reunion on one of her runs. Notice the smile on her face, she is a real trooper. Dorothy completed the run somewhere in the middle of some 36,000 runners. It was quite a trip. Her sister Jennifer, Joe and Sean all went with her as her support system. Dorothy we are so proud of you! What a great thing to say you have accomplished.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Messinger Update

Doris Messinger (Marie) wanted to let us know about something that happened to her daughter Michelle. On September 27th, she ruptured her Achilles tendon, and on October 9th she had to have surgery, when they got in there they found more damage then the MRI showed. The tendon had completely pulled away from the bone, so the loose screw she had in her head ended up in her heel along with another one to reattach the tendon to the bone. Now whenever she flies she will set off the metal detector.

She will be off work for at least six weeks, she has a walking cast, but cannot put any weight on her foot, she can only use it for balance. She goes back to the doctor next month and they will take the cast off and she will wear a boot, and then will probably have physical therapy. Thank goodness one of my coworkers had a wheelchair and loaned it to us, because she is getting around with crutches and this wheelchair.

Hang in there Michelle. We are hoping for a speedy recovery.

Nana's Eulogy

Dear Family,

I just got home to sma and am reflecting on my experience and reread hereulogy. It brought to mind again what a blessing Nana was to us. She ineffect created us and our core values and we are a pretty cool family. Thejourney with her death was a lovely experience and I was honored to share it with you. I thought you might like a copy of the eulogy. Put it on theblog.
Much love
Uncle Butch (Oliver)

By Warren Hardy

When I was a little boy and I prepared talks for Sunday school, my mother would help me write those talks and then would make me memorize them. Thosewere painful memories. I cried and whined a lot, but she didn't seem tocare. After I have tried my recitation she would say, "Was that your best?And I would say "No." She would say that if I was going to do it, it wasworth doing my best. Then I would try some more and cry again and say it wastoo hard.. and she would say ,"Son, easy things make strong men weak andhard things make weak men strong." Then she would ask me if I wanted to beweak or strong...I would squirm and mumble "I wanted to be strong." and thenshe would say,,,"Ok..then let's try it again." Invariably I would quit mysniveling, get myself together and try again. When the day came for me todeliver my talk I was prepared and when it was over... I felt successful. Mymother always taught me to put my best foot forward. That was her style. She called herself a perfectionist and was proud of it.Today, I am humbled by the monumental task of being the voice that willrepresent the feelings of all you who knew Monreve Hardy as your friend,your mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. I humbly pray that mywords will make her proud and that each of you will take with you from thisplace today a feeling of peace, gratitude and completion. Let us we reflect on Monreve Hardy.

To her friends, she was known as Monreve (which translates to "my dream" in French), She was mother to Jerry, Teeny, Kaye and myself; and Nana by all her grandchildren and the rest of us from time to time. In her later yearshe became the icon Nana! An Icon because no one will ever replace her. She was one of a kind and nameNana made a lasting imprint on our lives. She was musical. She loved music and musical productions. She played thepiano, she sang, she conducted the choir.She was a poet..and wrote poetry with and for her grandchildren. She lovedto celebrate Christmas and was a talented decorator. She baked cookies,cinnamon rolls, bread, and pies and shared them with her friends.. Shebelieved that no day was complete if she had not helped someone. She believed in being productive and worked hard every day.

Monreve Hardy was a self reliant Christian pioneer woman deeply committed tothe principles of the gospel, and Christ was the center of her life. Shewas clear about how things should be done and never wavered. Shedemonstrated true grit in everything she set out to do. Her family creedwas never in question because she reminded us often, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord."" and "Gods house is a houseof order."She lived life and died on her own terms. We all new that. She wasdetermined to take care of herself in her old age and never rely on herfamily. Her constant prayer was that she would endure to the end. Many of us believe that she created her remarkable passing the same way shescripted her life.

The day she had her stroke, She took me into her bedroom about 9 a.m. andsaid, "I want to get some things off my chest before I die.' She had giventhis conversation some thought and had 8 points written down. She checkedthem off as she went along. Her message was clear. She wanted me to knowthat she loved me unconditionally and she always had. She assured me thateven though she had not always agreed with my choices, she had been proud ofme all my life and that nothing I had ever done had brought her shame. Shesaid, "This is the way I feel about all members of my family." Her wordshealed my heart of the thoughts of "having let her down" and of not havingfulfilled her dreams for me.We had a good cry and a powerful expression of love. I experienced whatchildren feel when parents have hopes and dreams for them but then theygracefully give way to their individual choices and love them, just lovethem for what they are. She exemplified the prophets words, "Teach them correct principles and letthem govern themselves." and she followed the Saviors admonition ofunconditional love. All members of her family were blessed by her love. You see family was important to her..

Mother often said that Oliver's, our father's last words to her were ,"Keep the family together.' And she promised she would. Nana lived for herfamily. She worried about and prayed for each and every one of us. She newall our birthdays and sent cards. She was engaged with all of us and hadher opinions of each one of us. She also had her favorites which annoyedsome and embarrassed others. But that was part of what made her human. You see, she had an opinion about everything and she didn't mince words.When she got mad; you knew it. We all got our fannies chewed out from time to time.She was the queen dictator when it came right and wrong in her family. She set the standards based on gospel teachings and she taught us all, kids,grandkids, and great grandkids alike. She felt it was her job to teach us how to act whether we liked it or not;but we all knew that behind her stern guidance was a wise and loving mother.She loved the scriptures. She took in spiritual nourishment from thescriptures daily. She manifested the promise of Jesus when he said.."Blessedare those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my council, forthey shall learn wisdom." Our mother was a divine matriarch who governedher realm with unwavering righteousness.

She was human. She did not go through life without her own temptations. Sheoften told the story of her temptation with alchohol while she was a youngwoman living in Winslow. She prayed for the Savior to give her the power toresist and one evening when she was leaving the house to meet her friend ina bar, she could not turn the door knob. Her hand literally froze. Sheturned around and went into her bedroom and fell on her knees in tears andfervent prayer and gratitude. She was never tempted again. She believed inthe power of prayer and that Christ had intervened in her life.

She knew the Savior and the Savior knew her. She had faith in Jesus Christ and in His atonement and she relied completelyon Him, trusting in His infinite power, intelligence, and love. Christ was at center of her life and we all know that she conversed with Himdaily. Recently when mother's sister, Aunt Letty visited her, she accusedmother of talking to herself. In an indignant way mother retorted that shewas not talking to herself but talking to the Savior.We all know stories when she was trying to fix something and an idea wouldcome into her mind from nowhere and she knew that was Oliver helping heralong. She felt an abiding helping presence of my father all of her days.Monreve Hardy lived alone for 36 years but said she never felt loneliness. Iused to visualize her, alone in her bedroom, curled up and watching TV. Ifelt bad for her and would surround her with light. One time I asked her ifshe ever felt lonely and she said "Why should I feel lonely when I amaccompanied by your father and the Savior. That is pretty good company,don't you think?" Recently we were talking "about making the bed" and she said that the firstthing she does in the morning is make her bed, then gets on her knees andtalks to the Savior and then that began a conversation that lasted allday...She was a woman who prayed without ceasing.

Mother was not pious and had a great sense of humor. A couple of daysbefore she passed she called Maureen to get her opinion on some new sleepingpills she had received. She was reading the side effects about all thehorrible things that could happen. Then she read that people could dothings in their sleep, like drive a car or even have sex withoutremembering. Nana said, "That settles it, I am going to take the pills and hide thekeys!"

On her last day, after her talk with me she said that we were going to havea party. She had invited her best lady friends and we were going to decorateMexican. Mother as usual and knew how she wanted things and Ray, Jerry, Tuliand I helped her put everything together.We had the dinner on the patio. She had invited Fran, Nelda, Marsha,Florence and Maureen. Mother was giddy and humerous. She told stories of herchildhood in Strawberry; of hauling and cutting logs with her youngerbrother, Joe and Old Brownie, their horse. She talked of Grandpa Lufkin getting caught by the regulators with hiswhiskey still in Strawberry, ..of how after the still had been destroyed,she and her sisters later separated the corn from the molasses as they satby the fire. She said that she had never had much but had never needed much because theSavior always provided for her needs. Mother knew that the important things were not things.Then she went on to tell about the Pine/Strawberry fire department making arequest for a donation. She sent in her donation with a letter, which sheread it to us. It truly expresses her wry sense of humor. .

In reply to your request for a contribution to the fire department, I wantto inform you that the present conditions of my bank account make it almostimpossible to contribute. My shattered financial condition is due tofederal laws, state laws, corporation laws, municipal laws, mother in lawsand outlaws. Through these laws I am compelled to pay a business tax, an assessment tax,a head tax, a poll tax, a school tax, until every nerve in my body is taxed.I am required to get a business license, a truck license, a hunting license,a fishing license, a buying license, to say nothing of a marriage licenseand a dog license. I am also required to contribute to every society andorganization which the genius man is capable of bringing to life: women'srelief, the unemployment, the gold diggers relief, the red cross, the purplecross, and the double cross. Simply because I do not donate to something or other, I am boycotted, talkedabout, held up, held down, and robbed until I am almost ruined. I can tellyou honestly that for except for a miracle that has just happened I couldnot send you this check. The wolf that came to the door just had pups. Isold them so here is the money for the fire department. Thank you for yourfine services. The little ol lady on the hill.

After she read this story we joked about snipe hunting and other things.Then her friends left. She started helping Tuli with the dishes and thenwalked into the living room where Ray and I were sitting. She sat down andhad a stroke. She was airvacked to Phx. and I don't believe that she reallyever came back to clear awareness; even though she didn't officially die inthe hospital until the next day.

In the hospital room, for those of us left at her side, and there were about20, there was no suffering, no pain, no regrets. There was a spirit of sweet surrender. We all knew that her time had comeand that she moved on to where she wanted to go. As we stood in that sacred circle we felt grateful that we had been lovedand taught by her.We celebrated her passing. We knew that when her spirit left "her well used"body she burst into a joyous expansion of light where she was greeted by allthose who loved her and anxiously waited for her....Oliver, Ellis Lynn, Zelda, Aunt Bobbie, Uncle Jack and a host of others.What a great reunion it must have been.and ...........We know that she experienced Christ's loving embrace as hesaid, ¨Well done my good and faithful servant.¨And so there we stood and she was gracefully gone.So what of us that are left? Certainly she made her spiritual and psychic imprint on the lives of all ofus; friends and family alike. Would all members of Monreve Hardy family please stand. We are many andcarry the genetic imprint she left us and the familial relationship thatinfluenced our lives. We are proud to be the descendents and the legacy ofsuch a great woman. You may sit down now.We members of this family want to thank you in Pine Ward for taking care ofour mother. She has been a member here in her childhood and for the past 35years. She has served in many positions. We thank her line of home teachersand visiting teachers who have taken a personal interest in her wellbeing.You have been angels in her life.We know that mother bore her testimony and paid her tithes the Sunday beforeshe made her transition. She indeed endured to the end.

What do we do with the life of Monreve Hardy. What lessons can be learned?.If she were here now, and I am sure she is...she would say:Love Christ with all your heart and follow His teachings. Pray unceasingly.Love your families, teach them the gospel, and pray for them.Work hard, do your best and vigorously serve others.Endure to the end.And what shall we in closing say to her?

Let us say, DEAR NANA You have dreamed with us and for us.You have helped us to be the best possible us we could be You have taught usChrist's way and accepted us as we are.You have been there for us to lean on, to share with, and to count on.We couldn't have asked for a better mother, grandmother or a better friend.We will not say, "Rest in peace" because we know that is not your style.We won't say, "don't worry about us." because we know you will.We will do our best to follow your example .We were blessed by your presence in our lives and we will all see you soon.

We say these things, as you would have it.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Congratulations to Nathan(Butch, Oliver) & Kitty who were married on Saturday, October 11th 2008. The wedding was held at a beautiful location with a very nice service. We are so happy for the both of you. We wish you a lifetime of happiness.
Don't mind the date on the picture. It is not accurate.


Mike (Charlie, Charley) & Renee were married in Winslow on August 18th, 2008. Congratulations to the both of you and welcome to the family Renee. Many of us got to meet you at the reunion this year and we are thrilled about the marriage. Way to go Mike!

Pictures coming soon.

More Reunion Pictures

As you can see, we had so much fun at reunion this past summer.
Thank you to Renee for submitting these fun pictures.
Jace (Mike,Charlie,Charley) & his crazy face
Trey, Cody & Bryce

Trey(Mike, Charlie, Charley) with his bike

Jace, Kati & Laurel

Haley & Kali

Kati, Laurel (Traci, Charlie, Charley) Kali, Haley

Haley, Kali & Samson

Kids playing on the famous swing

Dinner in the big, white tent

Cody (Renee & Mike,) Colleen Hardy (Steve, Charlie, Charley)

Charlie Hardy telling one of the favorite stories at the talent show.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A beautiful day

The funeral service for Nana was lovely.
The coffin turned out beautiful. It was made with love by many of her family members. They included; Jim, Richard, Howard, Kellie, Carrie, & Jaden Turley. Kevin Rogers, Terrie Farnes, & Teeny Hardy. It was truly a 'Labor of Love'.

The pictures below are from the graveside service.
There were many who attended & the family felt such love.

The Farnes familiy provided beautiful music.

Nana was loved by many as you can see.

Nathan, Howard, Richard & Jaden

Cousins are the best!
Kellie & Trevon

Torrin, Zale & Carrie

Kellie & Tatum

Stephens family update

Gaye (Beery, Alonzo, Maureen) reports that they had a fabulous weekend, on October 18th my husband, Beery turned 44 years old. He was encouraged by his nephew, Jarrett Stephens (Bobby, Alonzo, Maureen) to compete in the Pumpkin Run triathalon. There were 450 people competing from all parts of the United States. Without triathalon training Beery's start - transition and finish time was about 1hr and 46 minutes. Jarrett came in a little faster at 1hr and 35 minutes. This was their first competition and with the cheering from Alonzo, Nance, Bobby, Marlene and wifies Stacie and Gaye, the day was an overall blast.

Here are a couple of moments we'd like to share.

Beery at the finish line
Jarrett out of the water, off the bike and running to the finish line
Beery out of Lakemead and on to the bike
The love and pride of a Grandmommy

Generations of the Stephens Men

Jarrett, with dad Bobby & wife, Stacie.

Beery shows off the PUMPKIN MAN smile with wifey Gaye

Stacie, Jarrett & his mom, Marlene
Bobby (Alonzo, Maureen) reports that they both started with a 1/2 mile swim and then a 12 mile bike ride and finished up with a 3 mile run. Jarrett came in 8th in his class and Beery came in 17th in his class.. Both did exceptionally well.. We had a great time ... I think they have started a new family tradition...
Way to go guys! Looks like alot of fun! Thanks for the update.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Women of Faith

My 12 year old daughter, Ashley, and I just went on an exciting trip to Anaheim, CA, for the Women of Faith teen-aged girls conference called "Revolve!" It was so much fun hanging out with about 25 girls from the age of 11 through 17. There were 7 leaders with these 25 girls. My friend says she feels like she has to hang with them and just absorb their energy by osmosis! We had a blast and God protected us on the road, as we drove three 12-passenger vans. I saw both of the other vans almost get side-swiped by semi trucks and the van I was in never had any trouble. God is awesome! It was a wonderful time for my daughter and I and I'm glad we got to have this time before she "really" becomes a teen! Love, Linda (Gilbert, Marie)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ludwig happenings

Eileen and Mel Ludwig (Maurine) just came back from Cedar City, Utah from the blessing of our new great grandaughter, Payten Rodriguez (Stephen,Barbara, Eileen ,Maurine) and also the Baptism of Jayce Owens (Joseph,Karen,Eileen, Maurine)another great grand son and 8 hours after we got home we got the news of the birth of Jude Elison another great grandson (Melanie, Barbara, Eileen, Maurine) in St George,Utah. So we will be going back to St George for his blessing on the 2nd of November.

Congratulations on all of those exciting happenings! I would love to include a picture of each of them if you could send them my way.

While doing some genealogy Mel discovered that John Elison's, (Barbara's son in law ) third great grandfather is a brother to my second great grandfather on the Haws side of the family. They are sons to Gilbreth Haws and Hannah Whitcomb. William Wallace Haws is the 7th child and Gilbreth Oliver Haws is the 14th child. Interesting huh?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Update on Rene's surgery

Linda Gomez (Gilbert, Marie) here with an update on Rene's shoulder surgery. He had the surgery on Weds., Oct. 1. He came through the surgery with flying colors. The last two times, the doctor did laproscopic and only focused on the shoulder bones. This new doctor actually cut into his arm and looked at the bicep muscle. He found a tear in Rene's muscle and fixed it, as well as tightening up the bicep muscle. We are hoping this will be the fix he has been needing. The doc said there wasn't much wrong with the bones and such. We have his follow up today, to remove the stitches and we'll find out if he has to have therapy and all that jazz. I'll keep you all updated! Thanks to those of you who have called and sent e-mails. You've really impressed Rene in thinking about what family is all about.
God bless! Linda--
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

Thank you for the update.

Wally Messinger

This is an update from Judy (Wally, Marie) regarding her husband Wally.

On Sept 26th I got a phone call from Legacy Heart to get Wally to the ER as soon as possible to have him evaluated for low blood count. He was admitted immediately. The first night he got 2 units of blood and Bert stayed with him. I stayed for the remainder of the time. He had 2 units of blood on the first night. 2 units platelets between Sept 28 and Oct 1. He had a bone marrow biospy, CT scan and they tried to do an MRI (but Wally was to claustriphobic for that)and chest xray, IV antibiotics. Almost forgot he also had blood cultures drawn out of both arms. On Wed, Oct 1 at 8:15 pm he was discharged. We left the hospital, got somethingto eat and came home. Wally was getting ready for bed. Brenda called up the stairs and said "Mom the phone is ringing". Joe answered the phone and gave it to me. It was the hospital calling and told us to bring Wally back that he had an infection in his blood. So back we went. This time there were no rooms upstairs so they put him in ICU as a regular patient. He was admitted at 11:55pm on Oct 1. He got 2 more units of blood and 4 units of platelets during this stay. The results on the biospy came back. He has Myeldosplastic Syndrome, evolving into myelogranous leukemia. During the 3rd unit of platelets given on Sunday, Wally had a reaction. (platelets are not suppose to have white cells in them and apparently this one did). His Dr. said he was going to put him on a ventilator. I lost it and called Bert and Brenda. At this point he was upgraded to an ICU patient. He was hooked up to a heart monitor, had a catheder put in and was getting IV antibiotics, shots to help build up his blood cells, Blood sugar taken every 4 hours and insulin given, Blood pressure taken all the time (he has bruises from the cuff), he was getting breathing treatments, in other words, the full ICU treatment. His bed could even weigh him. On Sunday they also took him down for a CT Scan with contrast, when he went down for the CT scan, he looked like hell, when he came back he looked great. I told them that next time he did this I was going to call them, because whatever was in the IV contrast seemed to make him better. I said that it went in as iodine but the Lord changed it. He was suppose to get a Mediport on Monday and go home but his Platelets were down to 26,000 so they gave him his 4th bag of platelets and schelduled the Mediport for Tuesday at 7 am. Tuesday morning his platetes were still at 26,000 so he had to have more platelets (his 5th bag), he finally went to surgery at 11 am with the 6th bag of platelets which he got during surgery. After he recovered from the surgery, which was about 9 that night, he ate some scrambled eggs and went to sleep. Wednesday, he wanted up, so up he got. He was doing great so his Dr discharged him. Brenda came and got us at 2 pm and we went straight to his Drs office for a 2:30 appointment. He goes back on Monday for his first Chemotherpy and will get Chemo Mon - Fri then will start again next month. He gets shots to build up his blood. On the 24th we are taking him back to one of his Dr. for a PET scan because he has nodules in his stomach and lungs and Dr wants to make sure they are not cancer. I hope this answers any questions you might have. If not email me and I will try to answer them. We love you guys and thank you for all your prayers. I will try to keep you updated.

You will definately be in our prayers.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Funeral Services for Nana

Tuesday, October 21st 2008

at the church house in Pine, AZ

Viewing held at 9:00 am

Services begin at 10:00 am

The Burial will be at the cemetary in Winslow, AZ

at 3:00 pm

A light dinner for the family will be hosted by the Winslow ward

& held at the chapel following the graveside service.